TS 16949 : 2009

We are on ISO/TS 16949:2009 Certified company manufacturing and processing various sheet metal components, products, assemblies and machined components. We cater to India's leading companies and have earned the reputation of a reliable and trustworthy company. Our credibility lies in our deep understanding of our client's needs, and the ability to satisfy those needs. Moreover, our insight and deep understanding of sheet metal products, machined components and the industry has given us a competitive edge.

ISO 9001 : 2008

We are on ISO/TS 16949:2009 Certified company manufacturing and processing various sheet metal components, products, assemblies and machined components. We cater to India's leading companies and have earned the reputation of a reliable and trustworthy company. Our credibility lies in our deep understanding of our client's needs, and the ability to satisfy those needs. Moreover, our insight and deep understanding of sheet metal products, machined components and the industry has given us a competitive edge.

CE Car Parking System